Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Two milestones in one day...yes, I am biased about the brilliance of my daughter, but isn't every new mom? This morning, after weeks of teetering on her side with her face pressed into the blanket, Lily rolled over. I must mention, too, that she rolled over towards me-yeah! All the books say to put a favorite toy just out of reach to the side for babies to roll towards...Lily didn't need a toy, though, just mom.

Of course, in true baby fashion, as soon as she had rolled over and pulled her arm back from beneath her she started to cry. One of those "who put me face-down on this blanket when I was having a lovely time examining the ceiling fan" cries. Trying to explain to her that she did it to herself was not going to work, so I just picked her up for celebratory hugs instead.

This evening was milestone number two. To mark her fourth month birthday yesterday she got to go to the doctor and get a bunch of immunizations...not fun for ANYONE. Even the nurse remarked that this was the worst part of her job. I feel for her-I certainly wouldn't want to making babies cry as a major portion of my job description. Anyway, the doctor told us to go ahead and start Lily on rice cereal anytime. So, tonight's snack food was rice cereal for the first time. I must say, she ate like a champ. Of course, large portions of it ended up running down her chin, but she found the whole event to be quite entertaining-as did I.

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