Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Well, we've made it through the holiday season smoothly and happily. Christmas was wonderful with Lily. We actually had two Christmas celebrations with her this year, so we had double the fun. We went to my parents' house Christmas eve day for the whole family celebration complete with dressing up and the big meal and the melee of opening presents with eight adults and two children in the room. Lily wore a Christmas tutu that is absolutely precious-got to love those southern craft fair creations!

On Christmas morning, we had the traditional events that have endured through the years in my family. We opened stockings and then Lily's Santa presents (lots of books!) and then went through our family gifts. Most of this was captured on home video for posterity-transferring it to DVD is another story! Lily, of course, was not really sure what was going on, but she loves to have her mommy and daddy watching her, so she enjoyed being the center of our world yet again.

She has really taken to rolling over while she is on the floor. She will usually roll about one second after I take off her diaper or any other article of clothing. Babies really do love to go in the buff! Thankfully, she has not tried to roll while on her changing table yet. She is still enamored with the mobile that hangs over her changing table and loves to "talk" to the images dangling over her head.

New Year's was pretty uneventful due to the fact that she was asleep at least five hours before midnight rolled around...she didn't stir when the neighbors shot off fireworks at midnight, but I was glued to the monitor waiting to hear her wail. It was much more tense for me than for her! I'm very excited to see what this year will bring now that everything about my life has changed...

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