Thursday, December 01, 2005

A December 1st Miracle

OK-we are coming up on 25 minutes of uninterrupted naptime-in the MORNING! How is it that my husband can go in, put Lily in her crib, stay for a minute to calm her and walk out with no problem? I spend hours listening to her cry or going back and forth to her room to calm her when I try to get her to nap. I think that I will approach it this way: I did all the hard work training her to nap and Pete gets to initiate the first successful morning nap.

Now that she is sleeping (for the time being) I find it hard to get started on anything. I keep waiting for her to wake up and cry. Pete, however, has already settled into watching our recording of "Lost" while I make a long-delayed entry in my blog.

We are taking Lily for her first portrait today. I'm really looking forward to it and I hope that it goes well. It is one of those events that I don't have much control over...she could be happy and cute or crying and clingy. All I can do is get her dressed in her Christmas outfit and show up at the studio on time! It kind of feels like taking an exam in college...I can study all I want, show up on time prepared, and think happy thoughts. If the questions are something that I would never see coming, though, I'm sunk! Hopefully, I will have a cute picture to post soon...Keep your fingers crossed!

----9:19 pm...OK, the nap thing didn't work out as planned. Only 30 minutes of sleep in her bed and then another hour and a half in mommy and daddy's bed. On the other hand, the portraits worked out beautifully! It is hard to narrow down pictures when you think your child is the most precious thing that ever graced the planet!

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