Friday, April 07, 2006

A crazy day

Today was our first brush with a tornado warning since we moved to Tennessee. Lily and I spent a good amount of time on the floor of the closet while we listened to the weatherman give updated accounts of how close the tornado was coming. I did not grab any toys before heading to our little hideout, but Lily had a leather belt of daddy's to chew on to keep her occupied.

I think that Lily is starting to get her first teeth. Part of me is excited about this new development, but the other part of me is rather wistful. I love her soft pink grin and I know I have precious little time left with it until it becomes a toothy little smile. I think the worst part about it is that I know there is very little I can do to make it painless for her. All the Orajel in the world will only do so much.

I think the teethins is what caused Lily to have a horrible time getting to sleep tonight. She could not keep her eyes open at six, so I put her in bed. About thirty minutes later, she woke up screaming and would not go back to sleep so I sat with her on the couch for awhile trying to soothe her. As much as I wanted her to go to bed, cuddling with her on the couch was so nice. I know there are times in my life that I will look back with longing on moments like those. With her feet nestled on my knees and one hand on my shoulder, Lily put her cheek on my collarbone and drifted in and out of sleep. The feel of her soft breath on my neck and her fingers lightly grasping my shirt are those little memories that will stay with me. Of course, she then spent the next ten minutes giggling and talking while I tried to bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing (that always spurs her on!) In the end, though, I know that holding my little girl and soothing her to sleep is something that I will not always be able to do. I won't always be able to hold her whole little body in my arms for ages just snuggling my nose into the side of her neck. But for now, while this seems to help those painful little pearly whites push through, I'm there.

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