Monday, June 23, 2008


This is a HUGE, really! The nerve damage in my left arm and hand have caused a lag in reaction time for the past two years. My left hand is still slow to process what my brain is telling it to do, and too much exertion (like typing or knitting, etc.) causes it to grow tired very quickly and feel a bit like what I imagine carpal tunnel syndrome must feel like.

However, one of my big goal this past year has been to braid Lily's hair. I used to be able to french braid my own hair upside down and backwards, so it is tremendously frustrating that I cannot handle such a simple task.


....after almost 30 minutes of Lily standing patiently on her Disney princess footstool
....and mommy wrestling with her smooth-as-silk hair....

...we have braids.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome!

Marksberry Family said...

Congrats! That is so wonderful! They look great too! The first pic of Lily is precious!

Unknown said...

From a pro... AWESOME!!!! YAY! Next stop Jimmy Choo!