Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mothers' Day

I know that every Mothers' Day will be special to me simply because that is kind of the whole idea for the day. But this one is especially sweet due to the events of the past eight months. I give thanks every day that God gave me more time with my daughter instead of taking me from the accident, or the operating room, or the next operating room, etc. I know that it is completely His grace that has allowed me this time here with Lily.

Even with the difficulty of the past couple of weeks, I have been thankful. The whole family has been sick at one point or another, I've started working again (which is much more exhausting than I remember!) and Lily is pushing teeth through like she's running out of time for it. She has sprouted five front teeth and one molar in the past couple of weeks. Poor girl is exhausted and, frankly, sick of being in pain. No amount of teething tablets and frozen washcloths or teething rings will stop it. She's been a real trouper, but I'm just as ready as she is to be done with this stage.

Today Lily was even more clingy than usual. I could credit the Mothers' Day holiday for that. I really don't mind her being clingy. I don't mind her only wanting her momma. I don't mind that I am the only one that has the power to soothe her just by being in the same room. Even when I'm exasperated with another pained tantrum, I'm thankful to be here to try to help her in any way that I can.

So, Mothers' Day was wonderful. Even the random tantrums, frantic biting of her fingers, and the refusal to eat much of anything due to the pain was okay by me. I sat in her room with her at bedtime and rocked her to help settle her down for the night. I was teary-eyed just holding my baby girl in my arms. She has grown SO much these past few months, and I still feel like I missed so much that I will never have a chance to get back, but as much as she has grown, she still fits me perfectly.

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