Saturday, February 10, 2007


First the easy one-Lily's teeth are STILL not all the way through. Yep. Her 18-month birthday is tomorrow and there is not a clear view of a tooth to be seen. If I had a dollar for everytime I've said "someday soon" I would be able to buy a car to replace my demolished one!

And speaking of fallout from car accidents...I went to the doctor yesterday to get the results of my most recent MRI-the one on my "good" foot. The good news is there is no real damage to the tendon in my foot. Kind of pales in comparison to the bad news that there is damage to my ankle joint from the accident and arthritis has set in. She even blithely mentioned fitting me for permanent braces on my ankles. Of course, they are ones that I could wear in a "regular" shoe and would be hidden under pants. Is this supposed to make me feel better? Yes, I am grateful to be alive-but it is still so hard to know that I may never be what I had hoped to be. I still have a long life ahead of me to miss what could've been. And, yes, I get to say that and feel that way if I want to right now.

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