Thursday, May 25, 2006


I have been slowly adding some sign language into my communication with Lily. Today was the first day that I could see the sign for "more" really click. Of course, she does the baby version-banging her hands together in a clapping motion-but she knows how to use it! I usually put a few pieces of cheese or cheerios on her high chair tray and when she finishes, I ask her if she wants "more" while signing. Today, I was across the kitchen when she finished and when I turned around to look at her, she was banging her hands together and slapping them on her tray. When I asked her if she wanted more, she just lit up and started banging her hands together again. She was so excited that I understood what she wanted.

Right now, the "more" sign is connected tightly to food. I'm trying to use it with other things like music, toys and playtime. But, I'll take this as a very strong start!

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