Lily has mastered crawling, although she still prefers to do it in short burst of a foot or two at a time. This new skill has, of course, opened up a whole new world to her. This evening, as I was getting her ready for bed, she squirmed away from the pajamas I was trying to wrestle onto her and crawled happily away in her diaper. She made her first stop at the humidifier where I have a DVD case leaning against the front to block the light from the power switch. She picked it up, put in her mouth, gnawed briefly on the corner before spying something across the room more fascinating-a toy, a book, a shadow, I'm not sure what it was that engaged her so much. So, she dropped the DVD case and began her trek across her bedroom to the bookshelf. I sat very still out of her direct line of sight so that I could watch her explore.
She pulled up short in front of her little red bucket, which is full of wooden blocks, a rattle and whatever random bath toy makes it in her room that day. She happily dumped the rattle and bath toy to the ground and proceeded to take out each block and stare at it as if it were a new creation. With her purple block in one hand, she kept bringing her other hand to it in order to make that banging noise she loves so well when BOTH hands hold blocks. Her face held this quizzical expression as if she was trying to figure out the scientific reason why her hand and the block were not making a loud noise. She noticed the other blocks in the bucket and pulled out the orange one. Now, we're in business!
Nope. Instead of banging the blocks together she looked back and forth between the two bright toys, dropped the purple one and stuck the orange one in her mouth, cooing happily as if it were her plan all along.