Well, life has changed once again! Lily is starting to really understand how crawling works. It takes her awhile, but she can get to something she sees. I have started to rearrange furniture, books and shelf items accordingly.
We spent Easter with my family at my parents' house. It was so incredible to see Lily with her cousin Evie. Evie is the age Lily was when we moved to Tennessee. Wow! It is amazing to realize how much she has grown in just a few short months. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, eight months is such a tiny little blip in time-but the amount of change possible in that time is phenomenal. It makes me wonder how much I could change about myself in eight months. If Lily can go from where Evie is right now-holding her head up and smiling (sometimes!) to where she is now-crawling, eating solid food, telling exciting stories in baby babble, clearly indicating what she wants/needs-then how much could I accomplish? I'm not going to embark on some weird self-improvement kick, but there are some things that I could improve about myself.
I guess I'll check back when Lily is 16 months old and see how far I've come. I can already see how far she will be!